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"Notes on the Temperature of the Air and the Sea, &c., Made in a Voyage from England to India, in the Ship Hoogly, Capt. Reeves, in the Year 1833. [Abstract]" is an article from Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Volume 3.

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x-archive-meta-identifier: jstor-110439 x-archive-meta-imagecount: 2 x-archive-meta-issn: 03655695 x-archive-meta-journalabbrv: abstpapeprinphil x-archive-meta-journaltitle: Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London x-archive-meta-language: eng x-archive-meta-mediatype: texts x-archive-meta-pagerange: 317 x-archive-meta-publisher: Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London x-archive-meta-source: x-archive-meta-title: Notes on the Temperature of the Air and the Sea, &c., Made in a Voyage from England to India, in the Ship Hoogly, Capt. Reeves, in the Year 1833. [Abstract] x-archive-meta-volume: 3 x-archive-meta01-external-identifier: urn:jstor-headid:10.2307/j100837 x-archive-meta02-external-identifier: urn:jstor-articleid:10.2307/110439 x-archive-meta03-external-identifier: urn:jstor-issueid:10.2307/i207045 x-archive-meta04-external-identifier: urn:jstor-journalid:10.2307/j100688 x-archive-queue-derive: 0