trirfaf ez-e «^r rt^ps ^ *s TAUSHl-S ATAKAM Hundred verses in praise of Taushi ( Tam ) The Vital Artery of the Heart of the Dogra Land. 5WL faurf^rrsr sm, *rcn>rcft-* v¥i ^ ^ t-A cF^pw, ^ iVi^ ^riti O '^°' 7 ^tpt ' fTT?^ “wb £/I*rt7 kl izr^j W ^aI^kT fl *far? I" qgrt i m ii f^WcT TTfTTTN3nftrTT^T ^T^T- ?fh WTW&TFT fffiqtfafotftom *TfTTTf|?T 57T^OTI%f STT ^fcTTSrrT - GOVERNOR, JAMMU & KASHMIR. " FOREWORD Rivers have always played a vital part in the history of civilisation. Indeed their role has been so fundamental In the growth and development of society that they have been endowed In the racial sub-conscious with- divine* and. mystic qualities. In India particularly those streams. which have their birth in the snowy Himalayas^ are* considered; especially sacred, and are revered in myth and legend", scripture and popular imaginax *on. This applies not only to the mighty rivers such as the Ganga and the Jamuna but also to lesser streams. The Tawi (or Taushi, as the author prefers to call it) has played an important part in the development of Do era history, Shri Kedar Nath Shastri, a prominent Sanskrit scholar of Jammu, has how brought out a T 3TT3T % I OD JO & ’£ X) ✓GP G O U* kt fir o c fic' c3 *r-( O P-i ktc9 u. 3 X a IfcT P3 »-T • *— < in tp- £ 1 ci ( W ) mit rTTfarTC ^*f%^TciIT^r^T^Tf^T^ I rrr^T^rrf ff rnsg m TCwrararcrg- ^5^-# ^ff fare ^mT3^ ^r ll ( 15 ) Two princes-Jambu and Bahu — says the legend, Migrating in hoary past from Avadh to Dogra Land, Settled here and founded on the Taushi bank, Cities Jambu and Bahu after their very names. ( r <* ) amrr % r% rptr $r ^*rt amtor ^ ^ am mfmmr frm^r im ^m^iSr aTR ^ i mr mf ^ i H q^%ar fqqr $ qfql qf§?r qws% % sr qnqtR ^ 5^> tf ^ 1 ( w ) **T*TT ^5fTT^rRr^l%fT ^TT»TFrT^^^ f*tf- ^^T^TT-^^TTf-^^-TTn-^^Tf^^T^ *mfrT tT3R^ |iTfT*TR>m^T II ( 24 ) Chandra rises from a mount of that very name, Says Siva-Purana, and by-passing places of fame, Kashtvad, Bhadrava, Ramban, Gajpat and Akhnoor. It quits Durgar region for the Panchnad tour. ( W ) T^rg^or ir f%R?rr % f% qsfcr *r H^rnft I; i srjtr: fsR^qqif, , rrsn^r, srrfr ^ 3fltf»T?r qJJ^t |f q^JT^ 3T qf?T 1 1 ( ** ) rfrm^f^^5[fTt^?TTT v TRTfa ^5^^^ ^ !J^Tf*Tftm rTf^* wf^rT t I *Fr*r^ 3 (^t !pm: JTf:f^ri ft wftrziksvrf t*T?r ^ wftftk *t%tt ^ II ( 25 ) Taushi is smaller and its water is not turbid, Its course shorter and current less intrepid, But it excels the other for its many merits, So is highly honoured by Dogras of Kandi tracts. ( U ) 5 T# ^VTFTT ^ t, tft ^*T % ark *tpt ^ ^rt «rrft 1 1 #hft % & ^rwrfr*; g°r t fk?r% *rrf *rr srfSpB 1 1 ( ^ ) srrTT ^ stftt fwsnTprsrT ’WTO ^%^TrT3T I *\ fo-g srereT ^TRT, 3RT ^ 'TC 5f%f^T ^3^^ «ra$ $ 3n<*?fcr^ JaiFcT sw 1 1 3 ° ( ) 3TFTT ^TfT^rrfqrT >*T?*T ^r’T^ mi *FT-^*TfT?tf%rT ^nf^R^I 5R?af rTTT^TrT^ VT* ^ $iraftf$q£ ^rf aR^Tfa ^^TT f%?pr || ( 28 ) Food-grains grown in land watered by this river, Are of best quality fit for the royal larder, Bulbs, roots, fruit and greens fed by its waters, Find no parallel verily in any part of the world ( V* ) #j*fH3T3r ^ 3